Deadful Melody (1994) Review

Deadful Melody

Starring Brigitte Lin, Yuen Biao, Carina Lau, Wu Ma, and Elvis Tsui.

Made in the form of the new wave wuxia TV series, Deadful Melody is a real treat for the fans of the genre, while clueless Westerners often mistake it for a poorly made movie. To expect hardcore kung fu action or your easy-to-understand Western plot is beyond pointless, because this is a WUXIA movie, and as any Chinese would know, WUXIA movies are not about hardcore kung fu action. That must be understood by the viewer.

For those who do enjoy wuxia presentations, Deadful Melody has everything that you ever wanted: supernatural powers and objects, flying people, classic misunderstandings leading to THE Delima, and an over-the-top duel between good and evil. Brigitte Lin has never been better with her "icy stare of death," and her presence helps make this movie one of the most enjoyable in the wuxia genre.
