Introduction to ~Mike~

So, how did I end up with "Mike", a name I never thought I'd be stuck with? Well here's the whole story. It includes the following people: Blake Dell, Steven Overby, Dusty Smith, John Williams, Derek Myers, Jarrett Johnson, and everybody else from SPH, 3-W P.E. class.

About a month ago in P.E., me and some friends were shooting baskets when the class was almost over. Whoever were the first ones to make it to the hoop would be on one team, and the other ones eventually end up on the other team(I think, it's been a while since it happened. I'll have to ask a witness :)). Well we weren't doing that good. Blake and Derek were the only ones to make it for a while. Then Blake got really tired of watching everyone miss, so when I was shooting again he didn't even look. Then came Steve, who'd miss again. For some reason the following words came out of Blake's mouth "GET BEHIND MIKE", where he was talking to Steven and I was Mike. Everybody looked at me and Blake for a second, and then started laughing. I was like "Mike? what the hell you calling me that for?" Dusty was like laughing his ass off "he called you Mike!!!!!!! hahahaha!!!!" So was everybody else. Blake himself was all confused and messed up. See, he doesn't know why he was referring to me as Mike. =) Till today, that is still a mystery. But as for me, people seem to enjoy calling me "MIKE"! =) especially my friends. Sometimes people still call me Yuhao or PJ, but I prefer "MIKE" from now on! =)