You are about to witness MY world of music... which may or may not fit your taste in music. If you ever try to insult me because of the kind of music I like, then trust me you are NOT going to get away very easily. Whenever somebody does that to me I do everything I can to make their music look bad as well, and I have teared some famous mailing lists apart -- because some people had to speak up about what they didn't like, which happened to be something I did like. So do consider yourself warned... especially you Jarrett. hehe =)
Well, I have decided to create a music store. =) Not that there aren't enough out there already, but this is something I enjoy very much. I love music, so a simply and easily understandable music store can't hurt. :-) Within the store, you can look through my favorite artists; search for anything you'd like; check out some true devotions in sites I've created; and who knows, maybe you too will fall in love with music even more after going through mine. =) So instead making a big ol' pile of junk, here comes
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Specializing in: Rock/Pop
[ Brought to you by Tripod
This Personal CD Store was made by Tripod member
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